Issue Position: Crime

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2016

Crime is on the rise. Since passage of Proposition 47 there has been an average 10% increase in property crime such as burglaries and motor vehicle thefts in California cities. In the city of Los Angeles, not only have property crimes risen, but violent crime has jumped by over 20%.

Californians were sold a bill of goods by liberal do-gooders, and the result is that we are less safe today.

Not only that, but we're seeing the consequences in areas such as drug rehabilitation programs. Because of changes in the sentencing guidelines, there is very little incentive for a drug offender to take a court-ordered treatment program that could be 18 to 24 months long. They know they're only facing a maximum 6-month stint in county jail. In reality, these jail sentences are only a few days (or sometimes even a few hours). Our jails are overcrowded because felons are being transferred to the county jails from state prisons, and one result is that addicts are not getting the treatment they need. Enrollment in programs in L.A. County, for instance, is currently down 60%.

We need to stop the criminals, not coddle them. I'll fight to protect Californians; to stop criminals before they strike and make sure they do the time (all of it!) for committing the crime.
